Innovation Lab
Innovation Lab helps save valuable time by qualifying or dis-qualifying ideas using the MVIS process. Minimum Viable Innovation System identifies a functional product with just enough features to create value for Folsgaard and our customers.
MVIS helps us collect feedback for further product development, enabling us to fully understand our customers’ requirements.
This saves valuable time and improves success rate.
Innovation Lab would love to support a customer specific innovation session.
Our Innovation Lab places its knowledge and abilities at our customer’s disposition. We invite our customer to team up with our Innovation Lab to find simple and effective solutions to any given challenge. With this initiative, we want to be as open to our customers as possible with mutual profit in return. We put our technical skills and ingenuity at our customers disposal, to reach the best possible solutions.
This unique way of working is part of our aim to detect and innovate according to today’s real-world challenges.
HF Innovation lab identifies opportunities and divides them into different gropus
HF Innovations lab forms smaller teams that work focused on specific goals

HF Innovation lab focuses on selected options
HF Innovation lab creates an environment for innovative ideas and business areas
Let´s talk - Innovation