Securing Critical Infrastructure – Are You Ready for NIS2?

Our Global Code of Conduct

Følsgaard's Code of Conduct for suppliers contains the ethical values that must apply in relation to all our suppliers of products and services. The Code is based on the UN Global Compact, ILO core convention, OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises, competition law and anti-corruptions rules.

Følsgaard terminates the business relationship with suppliers who repeatedly and knowingly violate this Code and refuse to cooperate with Følsgaard in the implementation of improvement plans.

In the event of serious violations, e.g. in the case of serious violations of human rights and/or significant damage to the environment or in the case of bribery, the cooperation shall be terminated with immediate effect.


Code of conduct

CSR Policy



We undertake to comply with environmental legislation in force at any given time.


As a dynamic company, we will constantly strive to make Better Business at all levels throughout the supply chain "supplier to customer"

3TG Minerals

Hans Følsgaard works to ensure that our products do not contain conflict minerals (3TG).