Environment policy
We are committed to complying with the environmental legislation in force at any given time.
It is important to us that our employees have a high level of environmental knowledge in relation to being able to advise our customers.
We work actively to keep employees updated on environmental knowledge about our products and the surrounding world in general.
We work systematically to reduce our impact on the environment and to promote greater environmental responsibility.
We support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
We focus on the use of renewable energy and seek to reduce CO2 emissions. Towards neutrality by 2030.
We strive to limit our consumption of materials, waste, refuse and water as well as negative impact on the local environment through noise, odour and dust. Goals and action plans ensure focus.
We use and work for the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly products and technologies.
We prioritise craftsmen and service providers who work in an environmentally responsible manner.
We prioritise the use of environmentally friendly consumables and auxiliary materials.
We work to promote environmental responsibility among our suppliers through active dialogue and screening.
We focus on advising our customers and providing them with alternative options for sustainable choices in their decision-making process.
Our work with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and ISO14001 goes hand in hand in our efforts to reduce our footprint.